Thursday, 22 November 2012

Another day in the life of a Child Protection Team

A rundown of what we’ve been dealing with today. No analysis, just some detail to give a flavour of what we deal with.

  • A referral from a parent that when their child (aged7) came back from having contact with the other parent, the child had bruising in the groin area and around their genitals. Strat with the Police who felt it was single agency until more detail could be established. Child could not remember how it happened, taken to GP, (still waiting hear back from them). Referring parent starting to backtrack, now saying that neighbour has informed them that they saw child playing with other children and being hit in this area by a ball. Waiting for further info from GP, but possibly NFA if nothing incriminating.

  • Referral from school re 15 year old, no food, heating or electricity in home. History of allegations that child has been left whilst mother goes on holiday. In the past it has been found that child was being cared for by relative or friend. Initial Assessment to find out more.

  • Court request for report of Children’s Services involvement with a child, private law.

  • Serious domestic violence incident, ex partner with machete making threats to kill. 2 year old child was in property at time of incident. Perpetrator taken straight to court and remanded into custody, likely to get custodial sentence. Mum is stating that she had split from perpetrator 2 weeks previously. Initial Assessment to establish more detail about situation, family are from Eastern Europe, unclear about immigration status.

  • Referral from parent, teenage boy masturbating into underwear of sibling and other female relatives. Strat with police, no offences, single agency, initial assessment.

  • Child on CP plan in other area, moving to our area to with live with father. Transfer in conference.

  • One year old Child with burn on hand, two other recent injuries with were thought to be accidental. Strat with the Police, single agency (us) to get more information, which seems to be a standard line these days.

  • Child and older half sibling having unsupervised contact with father who has mental health problems and issues with substance misuse. Allegation that older child was hit during contact. Initial Assessment on younger child, older child does not live in our area, so being dealt with by other team.

  • Two siblings initially reported missing, turned up with one parent, then made allegations against other parent. Strat with Police, joint investigation, marks on one of the children, but they are now safe as with other parent.

  • Concerns raised from private law case regarding a mother’s new partner who had been investigated for sexual assault on child under 16 (was NFA’ed). Initial Assessment to gather more information.

  • Drug raid on house, two small children found in home, mother thought to be under the influence. Significant quantity of drugs found, paraphernalia all over home. Children accommodated.  

Late finish again today as we were dealing with the children who were accommodated. Who the hell was it that said we did 9 till 5?

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